Café HU_stadt is a direct derivative of the Hustadt project. It was conceptualized in collaboration with Matthias Köllman, social activist and entrepreneur who will run the place in the future. Café HU_stadt is a complementary indoor space to the Comm Pavilion. It should function as a meeting place, reading room, lecture space, and above all a production space for people from Hustadt to create mainly domestic food products which should be sold in the NRW region. I have developed a visual communication and a trade mark for the Café from the Hustadt project.
Mari Rantanen, Finnish/ Swedish artist, has been invited to develop a color scheme and patterns for the wall painting of the Café.
Logo HU_stadt is developed as a logo for a fiction building company in the 60ties who was building the neighbourhood with the University. The Logo is transformed into a pattern, which is a simplification of the Arabic traditional patterns.
Café HU_stadt is a social project and non-profit organization, whose desire is to create job possibilities for people from Hustadt as well as to use the potential of the multicultural community as a positive and creative vehicle for Hustadt.
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