HUstadt process: August 2011

20 August 2011

community pavilion upgraded

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first cinema event

Our first cinema event was a tryout for the cinema screen and the technology that we have available. There is an obvious problem with the projector. We can only start with the cinema when it is dark. This time we borrowed the projector from RUB - Rhur Universitaet Bochum. However in the future we would like to have our own. This equipment is very expensive therefore we are looking for powerful second hand projectors.

The program for the event was supplied by whith a series of short films: "50 Jahre Mauerbau: Rock the wall!"

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19 August 2011

16 August 2011

14 August 2011

13 August 2011

meetings at the pavilion

The community pavilion is a meeting place for various groups.

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